
Privacy Policy

Who we are?

H.J.Newman 180 Stoke Road, Slough SL2 5AS We are registered as a data controller with the Information Commissioner Reg No: A8304778

What information do we collect from you?

We collect name and contact details from enquirers and clients

Why we collect this information?

We collect and use the personal data for the following: To reply to enquiries about our services For the professional fulfilment of the funeral service as instructed by you including working with third parties on your behalf, For the account and full payment of the funeral service,  For your pre-paid funeral plan if applicable and instructed by you.  We keep details of funerals on file so we have a record for future reference eg if the family gets in touch at a later date and asks for a similar funeral , We use Closed Circuit TV for security purposes in our car parks, entrances and reception area Our legal Bases for processing the personal data are: Taking steps at your request prior to entering into a contract with you , Performance of the contract to provide funeral services as instructed by you Our legitimate interests in being able to provide a similar funeral to a previous one on request by the family without having to ask too many questions at a difficult time for loved ones Our legitimate interests in maintaining security at our premises

What do we do with the information given?
We will process your personal data to achieve the above requirements: We share data provided from your original enquiry made to us by phone, email, letter or in person with our colleagues in order to assist you in the best way possible to provide the service you require at that time ie removal of the deceased To store your data along with the deceased information indefinitely in case of future historical reference ie repeat of family services, plot information etc To contact you by means chosen by yourself, to be able to make all the necessary funeral arrangements on your behalf Funeral arrangements made in person at our premises, CCTV of you is in operation for security purposes and these will be kept indefinitely in case of future security breaches To pass on your details to our third party suppliers; including if and where applicable the crematorium, cemetery, minister, celebrant, doctors, florist, musician, newspaper (in case of obituary), vehicle hire company etc To pass your details on to Golden Charter if you apply for a pre-paid funeral plan To keep the details until the account has been settled in full. Thereafter or 3 months after the funeral which ever is later. Client records are kept in a secure place. To contact you to make arrangements for the return/collection of the deceased’s cremated remains

Who might we share your information with?

H.J.Newman will not pass on your personal data to third parties without obtaining your consent to do so. A list of third parties that may receive your personal details if required are as below:

Doctor’s if medical certification is required/applicable

Local crematorium for the purpose of organising cremation of the deceased

Local cemetery for the purpose of organising burial of the deceased

A nominated minister, vicar, priest or celebrant for the purpose of arranging the funeral service

A florist for the purpose of arranging the flowers for the funeral service

A vehicle hire company including the provision of horses for the purpose of transport of the deceased and cortege of the funeral

Golden Charter if an application or enquiry for a pre-paid funeral plan

How long do we keep your information?

Up to 3 months after you contact us or the date of the funeral, or longer if necessary to fulfil your funeral service. We keep records of funerals indefinitely securely in case the family contact us again in the future

How can I access the information you hold about me? Our contact details are as above or email to

Your rights as a data subject

You have a right to see a copy of any information we hold about you. You have a right to correct any incorrect or incomplete data we hold about you In certain circumstances you can arrange for data held about yourself to be erased from our records Where certain conditions apply we have the right to restrict processing You have the right to transfer data we hold on you to another company You have the right to object to certain types of processing ie direct marketing In the event we refuse your request under rights of access, we will provide you with a reason as to why

Does your website use cookies? We only use anonymous, analytical cookies You can set your browser to not accept them


In the event that you wish to make a complaint about how your personal data is being processed by H.J.Newman or third parties as described “Who might we share your information with” or how your complaint has been handled, you have the right to lodge a complaint with us or directly with the supervisory authority Contact details as below:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF

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